week 9

In English this week children wrote a poem about items to put in their icy box. They used noun phrases, verbs and adverbs to create descriptive sentences. Some children even made it rhyme!
Jack Frost
We have also read and learnt a Jack Frost Poem and performed it to the rest of the class. We used adjectives to describe Jack Frost.
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading we read the story Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We used images to sequence the story and retell it.
World Book Day

We had lots of fun on World Book Day. We started our day by sharing the books we had brought in with a partner and making comparisons between the two stories. We then shared a book in groups, discussing and reviewing it. We spent some time writing letters to Mrs. Clark persuading her to buy our favourite books for the library. We then drew the front cover of our favourite book for a school display, they look fantastic!