Lunches, Snacks and Milk
Chartwells provide a nutritious lunch time meal for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Parents are now able to book a meal of choice via Parentpay, using this link:
Parents can then pay for lunch, which is currently £2.97 via the same method for their children in Year 3 onwards.
Alternatively, children are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Chartwell Menu
Fruit and Milk
To promote a healthy and balanced diet, children in Reception and Key Stage One receive a free piece of fruit of vegetable to enjoy during morning break.
Children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are invited to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack from home.
Our school takes part in the 'Cool Milk Scheme'. Every child under the age of 5 and those in receipt of free school meals are entitled to a free 189ml carton of semi-skimmed milk to drink at morning break. Other parents can subscribe to the scheme. If you would like more information please collect a leaflet from the school office, visit or call 0800 321 3248.