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Week 2

Our wonderful new Duckling Class have completed their first full week at school and we are so proud of them all! 
There has been lots for them to learn and remember, such as how to share with and speak kindly to our friends, how to listen carefully at group times, remembering our carpet space, and how we work together to tidy the classroom at the end of every playful learning session. By Friday, the children were experts at coming into school in the morning and remembering our daily routines!


Our first topic for Autumn Term is called ‘This is Me’ and, of course, it is all about learning about ourselves! We’ve started sharing our ‘All About Me' boxes in small groups and we have loved hearing about the things that are special to each child. We have lots of children who have still not had their turn and so we will continue to share these boxes next week too. This week we have also been drawing our self-portraits. We noticed that everyone in Duckling Class looks very different to each other and we discussed how everyone is different, either by the way we look or how we may feel about something. However, we realised as a class that although we are all different, we are all equal and very special in our own unique way and that it is definitely something to celebrate! 


We have also had a few carpet time sessions this week to discuss our ‘Bramber Values’ (found on the Bramber School website). We have focused on ‘Belonging’ this week and discussed what this value might look like in school. We read the story ‘Our Class is a Family’ and spoke about how, although we are not related, we still respect and care for each other and accept each other just like a family.


Well done Ducklings, it’s been a busy first week! We hope you enjoy your well-deserved rest this weekend and we’ll look forward to seeing you on Monday.


The Reception Team 


P.s. Our family photo wall in our home corner is beginning to fill up and it’s lovely to see the children so proud of their photos and further developing that sense of belonging.  If you haven’t already, and would like your child to add their family photo, please either email a photo to the office or hand one over to a member of Reception staff and we promise to take good care of it!

Sharing our 'All About Me' boxes.

Drawing our self-portraits.

Working together and trying out new ideas.

Digging for mud!

Making creations and using them in our play.

Lots of police roleplay!

Creating new relationships and developing a sense of belonging in our new Ducklings Class!
