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Summer Term

Keep scrolling down for pictures of the Kingfishers making their sun visors. So many skills were learned and for those who came to it with existing skills, they can now make something they couldn't before! We all can now: make a template, cut out fabric, pin/tack fabric together, sew by hand and by machine (with support), sew buttons and elastic. Take a look at how concentrated the children are on what they are doing! Also, have a look at the small clips of Miss Tanner helping Martha and Isla N to sew using the machine. Thank you to all of our helpers! 

Making Sun Visors!

Martha using the sewing machine!

Still image for this video

Isla using the sewing machines!

Still image for this video

If you come into our classroom, you will see this poster on our door. Ask us questions to challenge us to remember current learning!


This week, challenge us to: spell 'restaurant', define 'curiosity' and explain ways to separate materials

Challenge Us!

Separating Materials!

Today we had a go at separating materials in different ways. Having already investigated evaporation using a salt-water solution, we then chose the most effective method of separating: paperclips from rice, raisins from flour, water from sand and separating a mixture of different lentils by hand. 

We used filtration, sieving and magnetic attraction. 

Dream Big and Small Art Unit

Here are some photos of design through making in our recent art unit. This was a unit of learning about architecture and in particular the considerations that go into extravagant versus tiny homes.


The children had a unique experience in that they did not design on paper. They designed through making. You can see some stages of the making process here. We used foamboard and had to work out how we could use paper and glue to create stable structures. The children hadn't used these materials before, but were quickly working out how to use them to best effect.


They decorated their houses using brusho and drawing inks (very messy, but a great new experience). There are some photographs of the children discussing their choices, reflections, rationale and suggesting improvements. I am so proud of their creativity and the thought behind their making. I'm sure there are some future architects among us!

Fun with Angles!

We have been having fun with angles in Year 5. We drew capital letters for our first names, then created sections using a ruler. This made lots of angles, which we measured as accurately as we could using a protractor. This is a new skill for Kingfishers, so it took a bit of practise! We also got to write on our tables as Miss Dale had covered the tables with masking tape. We had to try to identify the angles we could see and found a mixture of acute, obtuse and reflex angles, but only a few right angles!

What Worthing Means to Me

Here are just a few of the projects children brought in for their 'What Worthing Means to Me' Easter project. There were many amazing presentations and videos as well. Fantastic learning Year 5!
