Week 5
Pulborough Brooks

Year 2 had a fantastic time at Pulborough Brooks on Tuesday. We started our day off with Pond dipping. The children listened very carefully to the different creatures they could discover and how to be safe by the pond.
The children found lots of different creatures and were able to present what they had found to the rest of the class.
In the afternoon chi children went into the woods to discover more incredible creatures. They shook trees, brushed bark, looked under logs and dug through the ground to find a huge range of creatures. They were incredibly excited each time they found something!
The children worked really well together and were incredible respectful and polite to all the staff and Volunteers. We all had a fantastic day!
STEM workshop

The children had a great time in their STEM workshop on Thursday. They learnt what it meant to be an engineer. Children got the opportunity to explore the engineering behind catapults, slides and a pulley to capture the big bad wolf.

On Wednesday children went outside to discover their own Leaf Man story. We took the Lead men we we made outside and used the descriptive sentences we have been working on to create our own Leaf Man adventure. Children moved around the outside space describing where Leaf man was going. At the end we sat and listened to each others stories.

In science we have been learning about; alive, used to be alive, and never been alive. We spoke about what all living things do and and what it means to be a alive or use to be alive.
Children went into the woodland walk to discover how many items we have in our environment that we can sort into the three categories.