Week 1 04.01.22
Week 1 04.01.22 Welcome Back!
Duckling Class have thoroughly enjoyed coming back to school this week.
We have spent time sharing our Christmas adventures with our peers and grown-ups at school and it was lovely to hear that everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
As this is our first week back, we have dedicated time to revisiting our Bramber Values and remembering the importance of taking care of our classroom, demonstrating resilience when learning something new and being a kind friend.
We have revisited learning in phonics and number this week; practising all of our Set 1 sounds, reading and writing red, tricky words and exploring smaller numbers which make up numbers to 5 e.g. 2+2+1 make 5. We did manage to find time to look at the number 0 and learn a new red, tricky word; into!
We are ready and excited to learn more number and sounds in the upcoming weeks.
During a circle time, we have shared our thoughts and ideas on what the New Year might bring and all the things we look forward to and will hopefully learn about;
A - “learning the alphabet!” B – “maybe a dinosaur topic!” A – “learning more numbers!”
S – “maybe gymnastics!” T – “learning to write!”
We are excited to find out what our new learning topic might be next week :)