Week 3
Week 3
Well what a different week it has been! We have had a maximum of ten children in class and we have missed our Herons who have been at home. We hope they are all better soon!
Some children have been in school working this week and some have been working online this week doing similar learning.
In Maths, we have been looking at multiplication and division. Reminding ourselves of familiar methods and also thinking about manipulating equations to make them easier for ourselves.
In Topic, we have been researching how to survive on a desert island - focusing on building a shelter, making a fire, getting water, getting food and signalling for help. Some children also researched other important survival skills like health and safety, and important survival facts.
In Grammar, we recapped conjunctions (identifying subordinate and coordinate conjunctions).
In Art, we started sketching ideas for our own Nicholas Roerich art pieces.
In Geography, we started to learn about different types of mountains and the key features of them.
In Reading, we heard the four stories for this year's book awards and voted for our favourite book!
In PE, the children at school played quick cricket with George twice and braved the cold outside!
In RSHE, the children at school made posters for the classroom that talk about friendship, respect and anti-bullying.
By Miss Rowlandson