Week 5
On Monday, the ducklings kicked off the week by performing the poem ‘A Little Bit of Food’ in front of the whole school in our Harvest Assembly and they were magnificent! We were all very proud of them.
This week's theme has been superheros and we have been reading ‘Super Snail’ by Elys Dolan. We have been thinking about the different superheroes that we know and asking “What makes them super?” Together we came up with lots of different ideas for superpowers. We then designed our own superhero using the ideas we brainstormed together – the Ducklings' superhero drawings were brilliantly imaginative and it is great to see them already drawing with more control and adding detail to their illustrations.
We also started our phonic learning and learnt the 'm', 's', 'a' and 'd' sounds. Each child will be come home with handwriting sheets to practise these at home over the weekend.
On Wednesday, we visited the school library and took out a book for the first time. We hope you have been enjoying sharing these stories at home. Please remember to bring it back next Wednesday so that we can swap it for another.
On Thursday we had a music session in the afternoon where we learnt a new call and response song. We then learnt the names of our class instruments and took it in turns to play them along with our new song, matching the tempo of the music. They were so good at listening and joining in with the song, I think we have some budding musicians already!
Well done for all your hard work Ducklings. We wish you all a wonderful weekend!
The Reception Team.