Week 4
Week 4
First thing we did was some spelling practice. Then in English we Finished our Bowles inspired writing. Then it was PE we did tennis outside. Normal FIF and RR. The rest of the day we did F.O.W.
Spelling practice first thing. Then English we did year 3 and 4 and year 5 and 6 underlining the words.
FIF and RR as normal. then it was Science we are doing a bread experiment. Computing we did a 3D modelling Temple design.
It was a normal morning music and French lesson. FIF and RR. English y3/4 and y5/6 underling words.
Then RE inspirational figures. Last thing was pottery ART.
Science finish writing up the bread experiment. Spelling team teach and choose the write word. Then FIF and RR. Then we did topic etymology. PE matches of cricket.
We looked at a y6 piece of work. FIF and RR. Topic finish off the etymology. Talk about TROY STORY. Then showing off our home learning.
By Michaela and Aaden