W.B. 13.06.22
Week 2 Once Upon a Time… Goldilocks
Goldilocks was extremely grateful for our support last week and she wrote to us to say thank you. She also mentioned that the 3 bears were inviting her to breakfast and she was eager to create the perfect porridge for their breakfast. However, she was unsure how to make porridge.
As a class, we discussed how we know how to make porridge; support of our grown-ups at home and the use of a recipe, a set of instructions. We had a go at trying to give Miss Booker instructions on how to cut up her banana for snack time and we soon realised how important it is to say instructions in the correct order!
Together, we followed a suggested recipe for making porridge. We made some changes to the recipe as we felt the first batch of porridge had too many oats and not enough milk so we changed the measurements slightly. We all demonstrated good understanding of hygiene when making porridge; remembering to wash our hands before/after and keeping our hands on the table when preparing the food. We also learnt how to carefully cut the fruit with a knife. The majority of us thoroughly enjoyed eating the porridge and loved decorating the porridge with healthy fruit toppings!
After we had followed and adapted our own porridge recipe, we discussed how we needed to create a recipe for Goldilocks to follow. Many of us have attempted to write sentences this week which tell Goldilocks what to do and in which order. We were very good at remembering what is needed when writing a sentence too – Super writing Ducklings!
In phonics, we have made time to learn two new sounds; ir, whirl and twirl and ou, shout it out – please remember Ducklings, to keep practising our green words at home too! We have also continued with our ditty reads this week and we are excited to bring our ditty books home this weekend and practise with our grown-ups!
In number, we have explored odd and even numbers. We noticed that some numbers could be split equally into two groups, where others had one left over and this helped us to distinguish between odd and even. From this, we noticed that we could group objects in pairs and begin to count in 2s! It was great fun singing the pattern of counting in 2s and missing out the odd numbers… 2, 4, 6, 8, 10….
A busy, but great week of learning Ducklings! Enjoy a weekend in the sunshine with your families and friends and we look forward to seeing you next week :)