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Linnie Chapman

My passion is to ensure all children can access an education enriched in life skill development, arts, sports, and the personal skills needed in today’s world, alongside academic learning.

In my professional life I work as an NHS Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist managing a team of Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists across eleven West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Special Educational Needs schools. I also work as a consultant for WSCC specialising in sensory processing support on projects such as setting up new Special Support Centres at several mainstream schools, and the Autism in Schools Project. Additionally, I accept direct private commissions from NHS Sussex to work with young people newly suspected as being autistic and having unmet sensory needs that has contributed to a mental health breakdown.

My experience has shown me that now more than ever we need to support our children’s mental wellbeing. As a parent governor my aim is to ensure our wonderful school continues to develop ways to support this across the whole school community.

To provide nurture. To notice when extra support is needed and to find it. To creatively find solutions to enable outstanding achievements.
