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Heron class blog - week 2

Week 2

Indoor PE

Learning the Lindy hop and learning the Hand Jive, we did it in groups and it was also very fun.


We been doing Five Pillars of Islam. Five Pillars of Islam are like thinks that holding a old Islam's building up also its a think that Muslims have to do in they're lifetime. The names of Pillars are Shahada, Zakat, Salah, Sawn and Hajj.


Glockenspiel with Simon learning notes on a glockenspiel.


What we have been doing on math is rounding to 10,100,1000 and nearest million. And learning about pictorial representations.



Coding on scratch and and experimenting with it and it was super.



We made a plan for are speech as a Prime Minister declaring World War Two,. We started reading our class book Letters To The Lighthouse which is set in World War Two.


Outdoor PE

We played a game of netball and revised last week's passes and throws and learnt about sticky foot.


By K and L 



