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Week 2

The Caterpillars are growing at a fast rate now, it’s been fascinating watching their development. This week we have been learning all about their life cycle and learning the names for each stage: egg, larva, pupa and butterfly!


In our PSHE sessions we have revisited the value of Resilience and we read the fantastic story ‘The Beautiful Oops’ and learnt that mistakes are important for learning and can sometimes spark something wonderful!


In our Understanding of the World learning we reflected on the growth of our beans and started to sow some new seeds – radishes this time! We watched some time lapse videos of how a radish seed grows and develops and we decide to record the growth of our own plants. Only two days in and we saw that some of the seeds have already started to germinate!!


In Literacy, we used our phonics skills to write instructions for sowing seeds, remembering all the steps that we took ourselves a few days earlier. It is so great to see the Duckling’s pencil grip and writing develop and progress J


For our Science Day we went on a minibeast hunt in the outdoors and found, woodlice, snails, worms and slugs, all enjoying the damp weather. I wonder how many minibeasts you can find in your outdoor spaces?


We wish you all a lovely bank holiday weekend and look forward to our trip to the Wetlands on Wednesday!
