Week 1 13.09.21
Duckling Class Week 1
Duckling Class are settling into school life extremely well! They have completed their first full day at school and were absolute superstars!
The children are already displaying great independence, confidence and resilience! As a class, we are enjoying the time to make new friends and explore our learning environments. We are all trying tremendously hard to remember our daily routines such as hand washing, snack time and lining up for lunch - The children are even remembering their Duck Groups after just two days!
This week, we have introduced the children to our class 'Duck Groups'. These groups have been created to support the teaching staff with managing the daily routines such as; lining up a group at a time, hand washing, collecting items from the cloakroom or circle times in smaller groups.
The 4 groups are: Eider/ Goldeneye/ Mallard/ Teal. Your child may mention these groups over the next couple of days :)
We would like to say a HUGE well done to all the children in Duckling Class for completing their first full day at school - We hope you all have a restful weekend so you will be ready for some more fun and learning at school next week!
We look forward to seeing you Monday :)
Miss Booker, Miss Law and Miss Tanner
P.S. Thank you again to all parents & carers - We can imagine it's been a very emotional week but we hope this class update can help reassure you of how well your children are settling in and how truly amazing your children are!
Happy Friday everyone and please enjoy looking through some photos of our first week together :)