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Week 7

Week 7

This week we continued revising Area and perimeter in Maths, then began learning about scale factor.


We also continued with writing, editing and publishing our Survival guides. Everyone has chosen their own way of doing this, so they all look unique and special. 


We finished off our Nicholas Roerich inspired watercolours of mountain landscapes for our front covers of our topic books.


In Computing we finised designing our websites and published them to the Heron Google classroom page, so others could look at them. 


In Geography we continued our research into Biomes, with each group creating a presentation on their Biome to present to the rest of the class.


We stayed in our groups for indoor PE to continue with our Gymnastics routines on the obstacles. In outdoor PE we had a rugby tournament and used all of the skills we have learnt this half term.


On Thursday we brought in our 'On the Edge' projects for an exhibition for the Year 3 and 4 class. Some of us later took our pieces into assembly and spoke about them in front of Years 1-6. 



