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Heron class blog - week 8

Week 8

On Monday morning we started doing our Christmas cards, then started doing our math. In math we did multiples of 1,000 up to 1,000,000. We learned about our Bollywood dance in PE it is also and Indian dance. We watched a video about a man playing a piano and he was remembering about his past, we had to write anything we wanted to as long as it was something to do with the video.                                                                              On Tuesday morning we were finishing of our Christmas cards and started doing math after that. In math we were caring on our multiples of 1,000 up to 1,000,000 work and did our spelling after that. After our playtime we started doing our topic work which was righting facts about Empire Windrush. We started doing grammar conjunctions where we were doing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. After lunch we started computing where we were supposed to to our crumble kits but we didn't have the software on our laptops. we started doing scratch in our computing instead and we where doing anything to do with the war.                      On Wednesday morning half of the class went to music and the other half of the class did art. in music we were using a glockenspiel and in art we were doing our Henry Moore evaluation. When the people who where doing music came back into the class we started French. After we had our playtime we did math and we finished off the morning with spelling. In math we did the same as the other days as we are trying to get it fixed in our minds. After our lunch we did topic and in topic we were writing doing our facts in our English books.                                                                                                                                                                         On Thursday we went to a mosque and we were told about all the things Muslims do. When we got back it was lunch. We did a bit of spelling after lunch and then did science. In science we did circuits and it was fun.                                                                                                                                                                                   On Friday we finished off our Christmas cards and they looked very good. We did math and finished of the math work that we had been doing all week. In outdoor PE we did football and we were practicing our skills. In RSHE we learned about FGM and we now know that it is very bad. After lunch we kept doing our topic writing that is Windrush. Last but not least we did music where we listened to jazz music.


By Cam and Louie
