W.B. 27.06.22
Week 4 Once Upon a Time… The Three Little Pigs
We have spent the majority of this week sharing, acting out and writing our very own stories! Our stories have been inspired by the traditional tale of the Three Little Pigs. We have discussed how a story requires a beginning, middle and an end. We highlighted the main characters in the story and how they overcome a problem. It has been wonderful to hear so many imaginative stories. We are now trying to challenge ourselves to apply our learning of letters and sounds to write our very own story book. It requires a lot of time and patience, but we are resilient learners and will always try our best!
In our mathematics learning, we have explored weight to discover how heavy an object is. We have used measuring scales to observe what happens when two objects are placed in each container. S “That one is the heaviest because it’s going down!” H “Look these are the same because they’re both up and the line is in the middle!” We’ve enjoyed the challenge of comparing the weight of different objects in the classroom and using non-standard units (for example, the plastic teddy bears) to gain an accurate measurement.
This week, we also enjoyed participating in our very first Sports Day at Bramber! We were all great athletes and enjoyed taking part in the 6 events; archery, long jump, football target darts, tri-golf, netball target throw and an obstacle course! We listened very carefully to the supportive adults and year 6 helpers and we had great fun being a part of a whole school event! We also loved seeing our loved ones on the day and hearing them cheer us on :)
Well, only three weeks left in Duckling Class – Where is the time going? We are going to make the most our time together! We have one final topic to enjoy… We wonder what it might be…