Week 3
It’s been a great week of learning for the children in Duckling Class. They are continuing to develop their independence in school and are happily exploring friendships and imaginary play in the classroom environments.
This week we have been learning all about our feelings! We read ‘The Colour Monster’ and talked about the different emotions in the story. We learnt new Makaton signs for our emotions and we sang songs using these new signs. We have also continued to share the children’s special boxes. It has been wonderful to learn something new about our class friends and the children were fantastic at remembering to be a good listener so that we could all hear what each child had to say.
Finally, we have been looking at how we hold our pencils and pens and practising using our ‘crocodile snap’ pencil grip in class. Using this grip we have been tracing the letters in our name and practising writing our name independently. Well done Ducklings!
We wish everyone a very happy and restful weekend.
The Reception team.
P.S. Parents should now have received the tapestry activation link email so please let us know if you’ve not received it or are having any difficulty logging on.