Summer Term
Key Stage Two Sports Day
We did an experiment to compare the friction of different surfaces. We made sure it was a fair test - the same slope, height, size of block, and only changed the surface we tested. Take a look at the photos - which surface do you think had the least friction, and the most?
Friction fair tests
Exploring magnetism
Dove Class trip to Worthing Museum
Cave Art using charcoal and pastels
year 3/4 gymnastics competition

On Thursday 4th May Children from year 3&4 competed in a school's gymnastics competition held at the Orchards Junior school.
All gymnasts performed a routine brilliantly and executed a vault.
All of the Bramber children achieved a gold or silver ribbon on the day.
We have finally started our fraction work in Dove Class! Today, the children were amazing helpers cutting out all my fraction circles for me to make a lovely resource to use in our lessons next week. We then shuffled all the pieces up and put them all back together in their original circles. There was such a lot of mathematical language and concepts being used - without even realising! Super fraction work, year 3!
Science Day!
Bramber School had a science day, with lots of new and interesting things to do.
Dr Angela visited us from the University of Brighton, with lots of different real-life experiments to do with DNA. We even extracted DNA from strawberries!
We also did an experiment to see if rocks are absorbent by soaking them in water for a week - watch this space for the results!
We made chromatology rainbows by dipping paper with ink blobs on into water. We watched the rainbows grow!
Rock absorption experiments!
Science Day - DNA experiments!
Year 3/4 Tri golf
Team Bramber worked together brilliantly and put all their effort into some pretty tricky games. A fun time was had by all the children who were great team players.
Spring Sing Song
Dove class performed their Spring Sing Song a little later than usual (second week of the Summer Term) but it was a triumph. The children spoke clearly about the learning they did last term, and sang a selection of songs with a food theme.
If you were unable to attend, a video of the event can be found on this website, on the performances page.