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Week 4 22.11.21

Week 4

Rhyming with Julia Topic


At the start of this week we noticed a few changes in our classroom; the home corner had turned into a school, pictures of a dog, log, fog and frog were found on the carpet area and there were dragons in our sandpit. (All of the changes to the classroom were clues to our next story written by Julia Donaldson) We found an envelope with a ? on the front – We opened it up and discovered our next topic story Zog!

We shared the story and identified many more rhyming words e.g. flew/blue, more/roar, grown/own – We are becoming great rhyming detectives!


In the story of Zog, we were introduced to the characters ‘Sir Gadabout the knight’ and ‘Princess Pearl’ and we discussed their desire to change their job and train to be doctors. In our circle time, we suggested various jobs they could both try and discussed that their gender should not impact their choices. It was important for us all to understand that anything was possible and once we’re fully grown, we can choose to try any job we like :)


In our maths learning, we have explored 2D shapes. We understand these shapes are ‘flat’ and found on many objects. We carried out a 2D shape hunt in our indoor and outdoor learning environments.
We are very confident at naming the common 2D shapes e.g. circle, square, rectangle and triangle so we are now learning to describe their properties, for example finding out how many sides the shape has and how many corners.


We have also explored different ways to sort objects into groups during our maths learning. We had to consider their similarities and differences as we sorted each object, for example sorting the objects by similar colour or shape.


In our learning of phonics we have been introduced to the sounds k and u. We have also been introduced to our first ‘special friend’, ck! As well as applying our learning of these new sounds to read Green Words, we have also been taught 2 new Red, Tricky Words! The words ‘no’ and ‘go’ are very similar as both of the first letters make the right sound but the cheeky ‘o’ makes an ‘oa’ sound – we identified this is the tricky part! We noticed both of these words rhyme too :)


Great work Ducklings, enjoy your weekend!
