Heron Blog
Here are some of the photos that Year 6 children took from their end of year Bramber Fest.
Topic - On the Edge
For our Stunning Start, we had to imagine being stranded on a deserted tropical island after a violent storm! In groups (and with much deliberation and debate!) we had to choose 5 items that we would have with us, which we felt, would enable us to survive! What would you choose?
Bowles Residential
We had an incredible residential week of teamwork, making discoveries, independence, resilience, friendship and fun. Here are a few photos!

Topic - Fabulous Finish
To end our second History topic (Back in Time for Tea), we held a Millennium Party to celebrate all of our learning of the decades the 1940-1990's. We watched as the clock counted into the new millennium, listened to music from these decades while being dressed in fashion from one of these decades!
We had fun re-discovering our knowledge of electrical circuits. First we built them, then we had to draw them using the correct symbols. This was the first step before we planned and carried out an investigation.

Home Learning projects
Look at our amazing World War 2 themed home learning projects which we showcased to Mrs Scott and Year 5!
Topic and PE
As part of our marvellous middle, we celebrated VE day! The day included watching footage of VE day from 1945, having a street style VE party with bunting and union jack flags in class as well as showcasing our lindy hop dancing which we had been creating, designing and practising in PE!
We enjoyed an amazing trip to Newhaven Fort where we learnt even more about life on the Home Front, the impact of WW2 on the people of UK, Dunkirk and about the history of the Fort itself.
We had to imagine that we were Neville Chamberlain as we wrote a formal speech announcing the outbreak of World War 2 to the British people.
For our stunning start to our topic this term (We'll Meet Again), we acted in role as evacuee children at the outbreak of World War Two in 1939. We had to imagine that we were being evacuated out of London to wherever the Billeting Officer told us to go to! Like the war at the time, this was mainly to Devon and Cornwall. We then got to handle real World War Two artefacts from the time and question what they might be used for.