W.B. 11.07.22
Week 6 Pirates!
This week we have been busy planning and writing our own pirate adventure book which have been inspired by the story ‘The Treasure of Pirate Frank’ We enjoyed changing the main character to ourselves and choosing someone to search for our treasure in the story, some characters included; parents, siblings or animals!
We’ve also learnt about money this week in our number learning. We enjoyed setting up ‘The Jolly Duckling Pirate Shop’ and selling lots of items e.g. telescopes, maps and treasure chests – all for a good price!
We have all worked very hard this week and our school grown-ups are very proud of us – They know we are ready for the new and exciting learning adventures in Year One :)
We can’t wait to celebrate our learning successes with our grown-ups at the curriculum open day on Monday and enjoy our final week together in Ducklings! Have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine everyone!