Week 2
We had an exciting start to the week when we discovered mysterious prints in our outside area. We used magnifying glasses to have a closer look at the prints and suggest some ideas on who the prints could belong to. We had so many interesting ideas and we decided that we needed to do a little more research. We discovered that we could find out information by looking in a non-fiction book about animal tracks and we were able to rule out a lot of our initial ideas based on the size and shape of the prints. On Wednesday morning we discovered a large pile of leaves in our builder’s tray and on closer inspection we noticed a note amongst the leaves. The note had a riddle on it which we had to solve… We went outside and discovered more riddles which the Ducklings were brilliant at solving! The final clue asked us to check the garden shed. As we opened the door we discovered… THE GRUFFALO! We thoroughly enjoyed sharing the Gruffalo’s story, many of us knew the story well and even joined in with the re-telling. Later on in the week we practised retelling the Gruffalo using a storymap to remind us of the key events.
On Friday we had the opportunity to use the beebots, and practised inputting instructions to make the friendly bee robots move from one place to another – the Ducklings really enjoyed this activity and we hope to get another chance to use them soon.
In our circle times, we have been focusing on the Bramber Value: being ‘Respectful and Responsible’. We have discussed how it is our responsibility to look after our classroom and we listed some ways in which we could do this; ‘put things back in the right place’ ‘working together as a team at tidy up time’. We are trying our very best to take care of all the resources we have in our learning areas.
This week we also experienced our first fire drill practise – We walked sensibly to our designated safe area on the field and listened for our names to let our teacher know we were all safe and sound. Everyone was very impressed with how well Ducklings coped with their first fire drill – Well done Duckling Class J
Hunting for clues!

Recording our findings

Solving the riddles to discover the Gruffalo!

Making and sharing maps

Building collaboratively

Taking turns in our skittles game. How many did we knock down? Who knocked down more / fewer skittles?