Summer Term
Roman Day
Key Stage Two Sports Day
The children have been inspired by Ruth Amos and designed inventions of their own for International Women in Engineering Day!

In science, we have been exploring how sound is made and how it travels through a medium to our ears.
Today the children took a deep dive into Roman towns and streets. They then created their own Roman towns to include the key buildings we have studied and the iconic straight Roman roads.

We visited a Roman shop today and practiced our column subtraction with decimals while we were there!
In RE, we made stained glass windows depicting special Jewish artifacts or stories.
Year 4 have been working really hard on their news broadcasts and they are now ready to perform!
year 3/4 gymnastics competition

On Thursday 4th May Children from year 3&4 competed in a school's gymnastics competition held at the Orchards Junior school.
All gymnasts performed a routine brilliantly and executed a vault.
All of the Bramber children achieved a gold or silver ribbon on the day.
We have been learning about tessellations in art. We looked at the work of M.C. Esher and generated our own tessellations on the computers.

Heading to the library? Why not try Caroline Lawrence!
Today we learned about Carl Linnaeus and classification keys.

Science day
Erupting Volcanoes

Year 3/4 Tri golf
Team Bramber worked together brilliantly and put all their effort into some pretty tricky games. A fun time was had by all the children who were great team players.
Year 3/4 Netball shoot out winners at Chesswood Primary School

Have you read these?
Making our own volcanoes

Roman numeral hundred squares