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Week 1

Week 1

This week started off with our class and leaver photos.


We have been lots of practising our spellings for 30 minutes every day, revising the spelling rules and our Year 5/6 words. 


We started our topic learning about the Ancient Greeks and did some research on the computers then made a timeline to show when the Ancient Greeks were around.


In Maths we have been learning about pie charts and line graphs which we have answered questions about. We also made a line graph copmparing the temperatures in Worthing and Athens. 


We have been revising a lot of our Grammar terms and completing activities for them.


In PE, we are doing cricket and we practised the bowling technique before doing a mini-game.


This week we have also been told about the Year 6 play. We read a bit of the script, discussed the parts and listened to some of the songs. When asked who might audition for a part, nearly everyone put their hand up! 

