Week 2
We started off our week celebrating World Book Day! The Ducklings all came dressed as one of their favourite book characters and this prompted a discussion about all of our favourite stories and book characters. We then joined the whole school book day assembly where we talked about why we celebrate World Book Day.
Later on we joined other schools in a 'Scholastic Schools Live' event with Axel Scheffler and Julia Donaldson! We listened to them read a selection of stories and Axel Scheffler showed us how he drew some of the pictures in his books. In the afternoon we had a book buddies session when Dove class visited us and we spent time sharing stories together in groups.
When life resumed back to normal, we continued learning with our Goldilocks story and practised retelling the story to each other using our story maps for support. We were now so good at retelling our story we decided to split into key groups and innovate it! The ducklings all had brilliant ideas and the two groups came up with the titles: ‘Firekick and the Three Dragons’ and ‘Pikachu and the Three Police Officers’! Each group performed their new story to each other and they were both brilliant!
At the end of the week we split up again, this time into Duckling groups and we created Goldilocks and the Three Bears forest maps together for our beebot robots. We then practised programming the beebots to travel around the map avoiding obstacles. The ducklings are getting more confident at coding the beebots now – excellent work Ducklings!