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First Day

Year 2 have had a fantastic first day! 


In maths, we learned how to show what we have using a tally chart. We wanted to investigate the different things that could be found in the school grounds. We learned that in a tally, when you get to 5 you do a diagonal line across. We found out that this is easier to count instead of lots of small lines! We will now use tallies when we write up our housepoints. 

Making tally charts to show what we have in our Bramber environment!

Miss O'Hara and Mrs Jinks were delighted to discover that these Chaffinches love reading as much as they do! 


We read 3 books as a class today including our new topic book: The Dot, which will help us to learn about feelings, emotions and the Bramber values. 


Before playtime, Miss O'Hara read us 'Too Much Stuff' by Emily Gravett. Some of the children recognised Pete the badger in the story Tidy also by EG, as they saw it on display in the book corner! Great connections between texts! So, to end our day, we also read Tidy. We loved the story and talked about the importance of looking after the environment, habitats and nature. 
