Week 4
It’s been a busy week for Duckling Class! We have been reading the story ‘Funnybones’ and practising retelling the story using a storymap. I wonder if your child can retell the story to you in their own words at home. Do they remember the repeated refrains: ‘On the dark dark hill there was a dark dark town…’etc.?
We have discovered that everyone has a skeleton and it’s made up of lots of bones. We have been discussing the importance of our skeleton; how it helps us to move, protect vital organs and acts as our frame, as Arlo rightly said: “we’d be as flat as a pancake without it!” We also drew around ourselves and had a go at placing the bones of the body in the correct position and naming the bones as we did so.
In Maths, we have been introduced to the numbers 1, 2 and 3! We’ve had a go at finding 1, 2 or 3 objects in our classroom and practised subitising (recognising the amount without counting) these numbers. Can your child practise writing the numbers 1,2 and 3 at home?
We have also been practising writing our name using our crocodile snap pencil grip every day.
Before we start our phonics sessions next week, we have been focussing on listening and rhyme activities and played games finding rhyming words and listening for the initial sounds of words.
During our circle time, we’ve shared the story of ‘Barbara throws a Wobbler’ and spoke about the feeling of anger. Each child had an opportunity to share a time when they have felt very angry and we talked through the things we could do to help us calm down the next time we feel this emotion.
Lastly, for the harvest assembly on Monday, we have been learning our first poem off by heart! It’s called ‘A Little Bit of Food’ by Joseph Coelho and the class have been amazing at performing it together. I wonder if your child can recite it to you at home.
Well done for another brilliant week Ducklings!
The Reception Team
Learning about the bones that make up our skeleton

Learning about our heart and listening to it beat using a stethoscope

Drawing around our shadows outside

Continuing to create and build and find new ways to make joins

Doctor's surgery roleplay with a line of patients waiting for their vaccinations!

Den building and campfire roleplay in our woodland walk

Retelling our Funnybones story using a story map

Performing our new poem in Duckling groups