Week 5 29.11.21
Week 5
Rhyming with Julia Topic
Christmas has arrived in Duckling Class! We are counting down the sleeps till Christmas – only 2 weeks left of school before the Christmas holidays – so exciting :)
We have spent the majority of our time this week rehearsing for our wonderful Nativity play. We have loved the opportunity to team up with Robin and Chaffinch class to create a magical show! We are very much looking forward to sharing it with our grown-ups next week!
In our phonics learning this week we have been introduced to 3 more sounds – b, f and e! We are applying our learning of these sounds to support our reading and writing. Writing has been a main focus in Duckling Class this week. We have enjoyed designing our very own fictional characters (inspired by Zog) and labelling or listing their key features. We had wonderfully imaginative ideas for our characters!
We have had a go at labelling the initial sounds in some of these amazing words e.g. hearing and writing f for fly or p for purple. We have also tried to write a short word to describe what our characters can do or what they might look like such as big/ black/ kick.
We are so very proud of every child in Duckling Class for having a go with their writing this week – Keep up the amazing learning everyone :)
P.S. We had a visit from Robin Class this week.
They were eager to share their amazing story writing with us! There are some lovely photos of this visit on Robin class page :)