Learning from home 22/6/20-26/6/20
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- Year 6 - Heron and Woodpecker Classes
- Learning from home 22/6/20-26/6/20
Hello Woodpeckers and Herons! Here is your learning for this week. Remember to send in photos of your learning to homelearning@bramberprimary.com :).
- Weekly tasks beginning Monday 22nd June.docx
- Monday Growth Mindset Challenge Dot to Dot.pdf
- Monday Growth Mindset.pptx
- Monday Maths 1.pdf
- Monday Maths 2.pdf
- Monday MovingonUp and Timeline instructions.pdf
- Monday MovingonUp.pdf
- Monday Timeline.pdf
- Tuesday Growth Mindset Challenge Stations Tangram.pdf
- Tuesday Growth Mindset.pptx
- Tuesday Maths 1.pdf
- Tuesday Maths 2.pdf
- Wednesday Growth Mindset Challenge Stations Bean Bag Balance.pdf
- Wednesday Growth Mindset Challenge Stations Tongue Twister.pdf
- Wednesday Growth Mindset.pptx
- Wednesday Maths 1.pdf
- Wednesday Maths 2.pdf
- Wednesday Start to End.docx
- Thursday Growth Mindset Challenge Stations Drawing.pdf
- Thursday Maths 1.pdf
- Thursday Maths 2.pdf
- Friday Growth Mindset Challenge Word Search.pdf
- Friday Maths 1.pdf
- Friday Maths 2.pdf
- -Mindfulness project ideas.pdf
- Five-Patterns-in-Nature art.ppt
- Art from Nature - Andy Goldsworthy sculptures.ppt