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Week 5

This week we finally bid farewell to our class butterflies. We have seen them grow from tiny larvae into beautiful butterflies and we have really enjoyed observing every step of this magical transformation. As we took the butterflies out of their net and said goodbye, the ducklings were so gentle, calm and careful and we were so proud of them! Well done Ducklings and good luck butterflies!!


In class this week, we have been learning all about wonderful worms! We enjoyed reading Superworm and talked about the setting, characters and what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Lots of Ducklings were familiar with the story so were able to join in with the story telling as it was read aloud. We drew a story map for the text and in partners we used this to retell the story using the new vocabulary we had learnt and putting it in our own words. Once we were really confident with the story we focused more closely on the characters of Wizard Lizard and Superworm and together brainstormed some adjectives to describe the two different characters. We then used these words to write our own fabulous descriptive sentences.


In Maths this week, we have been exploring how 10 can be composed of 2 parts and used counters and ten frames to show the number bonds visually. We enjoyed playing ‘Don’t burn the Sausages’ and exploring these number combinations with numicon shapes in our playing learning.


We listened to the story ‘Hey Little Ant’ and discussed how we should respect and care for all the minibeasts we find in our outdoor environment. Our favourite story this week, however, was ‘I Can Only Draw Worms’ which had us giggling away at the story and the funny drawings.


In Expressive Arts and Design, we learnt the Wiggly Woo song and enjoyed singing it together along with some of our other favourite songs from the year so far.


We finished the week with a minibeast quiz and were so impressed with how much the Ducklings had learnt and remembered from our topic so far! Well done Ducklings!!
