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Week 5 11.10.21

Week 5
‘This is me’ - Our 5 senses


This week we have enjoyed exploring our 5 main senses; sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch! We have had discussions about the importance of our senses when helping us to explore the world around us.

We also identified that some people may have an impairment so they would need to rely on specific senses, for example a person with a visual impairment will need their sense of hearing and touch to help them move around safely. In pairs, we had a go at guiding our friend safely around the outside area whilst they were wearing a blindfold – we had to make sure our friends could hear us clearly and we gave them a reassuring hand!

Our taste test was great fun – we were all very brave to try the three different foods whilst wearing a blindfold! We also explored our sense of smell with some scent pots – We commented…
‘This smell is like when I wash my hands’ ‘This smells like toothpaste!’ ‘This one smells yummy, I think it’s chocolate cake!’  


In our number learning, we have met numbers 3 and 4! We have noticed that the number 3 is very popular in stories and songs, for example Goldilocks and 3 bears/ 3 little monkeys/ 3 blind mice. When we met 4, we were also introduced to a 4 sided shape – a square! We have enjoyed using our number learning to identify the properties of well-known shapes e.g. counting 3 corners of a triangle or the 1 round side of a circle!   


We have also found time this week to revisit the emotion, Anger, from the story of the Colour Monster. We shared our experiences of the emotion and most importantly, discussed ways of how we could manage the emotion effectively:

‘Hold someone’s hand’ ‘Give someone a hug!’ ‘Take a big breath’ ‘Talk to someone’ ‘Listen to some music!’


Lots of lovely ideas were shared and as a class, we felt it would be important to have a calming area in the classroom. Our Reading Garden now has a quiet, calming area where we can go and think about how we are feeling and what help we might need. 


A super week of learning Ducklings – Well done :)
